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tAtB tCtD tEtF tGtH tItJ tKtL tMtN tOtP tQtR tStT tUtV tWtX tYtZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
OPTIMA +triangles 7, 11
OPTIMIN +triangles 5
ORIENT +square & triangles 8
ORINDA +triangles 35, 42
ORIZZONTI +triangles & arro 25
ORLANDO +circle & triangles 25
ORWEL +triangles 11
OS +triangles 7
OSA +triangles 3, 8
OSHO +ovals & triangles 6
OSLASA +triangles 6
OTV +circle & triangles 38
OXIRICH +triangles 36, 37
OXYGEN 6 +triangles 41
OYE +triangles 41
P +triangles 14, 39
P +square triangles & arc 36
P AND V.IN +triangles 41
P PIAGGIO +triangles 12
P POLYBONDS +triangles 1
P PRAYOSHA +triangles 11
P PUMA LOCKS +triangles 35
P! XPENSIVE +triangles 25
P&O +flag & triangles 12, 16, 19
PACK & PACK +triangles 7
PACNAOCKAR +triangles 4, 35, 37, 40
PACTERA +triangles 35
PADMAVATI ROLLS +triangles 16
PAI CRISTAL +triangles 3
PAL systems +triangles 20
PALMARY +triangles 7
PANGAA GANG +triangles oval 9, 28, 16, 25, 29, 30, 41
PANGEA +hexagon & triangles 5
PANISM +triangles & square 41, 45
PANNA +triangles 24
PANOPLY +triangles 9
PANWEZ 40 +triangles 5
PAP asia +triangles 35
triangles 37
PARADOX +triangles 9, 42
PARAG +triangles & circle 7
PARAM +triangles 9, 16
PARAM +triangles & hexagon 7
PARAMOUNT +triangles 6
PARAS +triangles 24
PARIKSITH +triangles & arcs 41, 42
PARIVAR seva +triangles 5, 10, 16
PARIVAR seva +triangles sta 10
PARLE +triangles 29, 30
PAWN +triangles 30
PC DIAMOND +triangles 1
PC READY FIX +triangles 1
PCG +triangles 9
PDA events +triangles 35
PE +triangles 7, 12
triangles 7
triangles 8
PEAK +triangles 3, 7
PEN +triangles 13, 19
PENCIL +triangles 11
PENTAIR WATER +triangles 11
PEPE +triangles 25
PER CARAT +triangles 6, 14, 16, 35, 36
PER KARAT +triangles 16, 35, 36, 38, 40, 41, 42
PET PLAST +triangles 21
PEW +triangles 7
PF DIYUNA ply +triangles 19
PFISTER +triangles 9
PG PUNEET GROUP +triangles 19, 35, 36, 37, 38, 41, 42, 44, 45
PHUL SONS +triangles 7
PIAGGIO AERO P +triangles 7, 12, 37, 39, 41, 42
PICK N SAVE +triangles 30
PIKNIT +triangles & squares 25
PINE TECH +triangles 19
PINNACLE +triangles 11, 20, 21
PINNORA +triangles 16
PIONEER +triangles 36
PIPER +triangles 12, 37
PIPER asia +triangles 37
triangles 18, 25, 27, 28
PIRTALZIN +triangles 5
PITTIE +triangles 24, 36, 37
PL PRAKASH +triangles 16
PLANO +triangles 14
PLASSON +triangles & square 20
PLASSON +square & triangles 11
PLATINUM +triangles & stars 3
PLATINUM AIMCO +triangles 5
PLAY +triangles 15, 18, 41, 42
PLAY-13 +triangles 25
PLC ENTERPRISES +triangles 30
PLG ENTERPRISES +triangles 29
PLG'S khushbu +triangles 29
PLUG IN RIDE OUT +triangles 12, 35
PLUS STAMPER +triangles 16
PLUS SUVARNA +triangles 35, 38, 41, 42
PLUS SYSTEM +triangles 16
PMD +arcs & triangles 7
PMDE +triangles 35
PMR +triangles & hexagon 39
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